Here we demonstrate a sup and sub element
adding 'strong' and 'em' elements
special characters: © $ ǵ я ⪸ æ
The tags are: 'sup', 'sub', 'strong', 'em'. Special characters are: &['name']
adding 'strong' and 'em' elements
The tags are: 'sup', 'sub', 'strong', 'em'. Special characters are: &['name']
Images can be gathered internally (ocean one is saved in folder: ./ images/ ocean_ background .jpg), can also be gathered externally (image address of image on web, the garment image is also nested in a link)
External links are links to other webpages, internal to different html files within project and internal navigation is directed to different id's within page. Link: 'a' href="[link/directory/#id]" target="_blank" '/a'. target="_blank" opens link in new window.
Make lists using 'ul' tag or 'ol' tag (numbered). And then 'li', for list elements. Stylize using: 'list-style-type:[lower-greek];'.
title one | title two |
r1:c1 | r1:c2 |
r2:c1 | r2:c2 |
r3:c1 | r3:c2 |
Make tables using 'table' tag. 'tr' tag within will create each row and 'td' in the tr will create the colomn in it.